
Voluntary training program in Republic of Chad


Program Duration

2024/05/28 - 2024/06/04

About Campaign

The volunteer program includes public projects in the fields of support and economic empowerment, aiming to implement specialized courses in various crafts such as culinary production, sewing, and embroidery. The project aims to empower beneficiaries and provide them with the necessary skills to enter the job market and improve their livelihoods.

Goals of this Campaign
  • Beneficiary Empowerment: Providing beneficiaries with the opportunity to learn new and diverse skills in specific fields, enabling them to improve their chances of securing better employment opportunities and increasing financial independence.
  • Livelihood Improvement: Equipping beneficiaries with the necessary skills to improve their livelihoods and increase their income. By learning skills culinary production, sewing, and embroidery, beneficiaries can develop their own economic activities and achieve additional income.
  • Community Development Promotion: Public projects and volunteer activities contribute to promoting overall community development. By empowering and enhancing the capacities of beneficiaries, independence and active participation in economic and social life within the community are fostered. Building Self
  • Confidence and Social Interaction: The project can contribute to building self-confidence and improving social interaction among beneficiaries. By learning new skills and achieving success in various fields, beneficiaries can develop greater confidence in their abilities and expand their social networks.
