
Volunteering Charter

KSrelief’s Humanitarian Aid and Relief Work Code of Ethics



KSrelief is keen to reach a high level of efficiency in all of its activities and is aware of the importance of human resources in performing those tasks, which eventually lead to the achievement of KSrelief›s noble causes. To this end, all KSrelief’s Representatives and Personnel shall adhere to everything set forth in the humanitarian aid and relief work code of conduct, which shall be considered the foundation and basis of the relationship between KSrelief and its Personnel and Representatives.


KSrelief reaffirms the significance of that code in laying out the basis for dealing and cooperation with KSrelief in any capacity. KSrelief shall accept nothing other than the commitments set forth in the code, which shall be part and parcel of dealing with KSrelief under any association, title or goal.


As Personnel and Representatives, we commit and adhere to KSrelief’s principles and values in performing work as staff, volunteers, part-timers, or in our association with KSrelief in any capacity, and shall commit to these principles and values during the performance of all work and duties assigned to us inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; we shall do so without negligent or compromise of any kind.  We have thoroughly read and fully understand its contents and understand the consequences of violating or neglecting this Code of Ethics.



KSrelief’s Representatives and Personnel’s Pledges and Commitments:


1.                 (Personnel or volunteer), pledge to perform my tasks faithfully and with honesty and honor, to seek the good of the Kingdom, to tirelessly strive to achieve KSrelief›s humanitarian aid and relief mission through my adherence to the Code and the applicable regulations, and to act based upon the proper humanitarian conduct in performing my tasks to fulfill the noble goals of the Kingdom.


2.                 I will commit to completing assigned tasks, and to upholding KSrelief›s standards of impartiality, professionalism, honesty, and Transparency to the highest degree.


3.                 I will adhere to the rules and instructions provided in KSrelief›s Code of Ethics without negligence or compromise of any kind.


4.                 I will adhere to the application of the clauses and articles of KSrelief›s humanitarian aid and relief work Code of Ethics;


This adherence includes:


1.         To perform work according to the noble goals which serve the Kingdom and humanity.


2.         To perform work according to the basic principles of humanitarian aid and relief work without discrimination of any kind.


3.         To do no harm to KSrelief›s reputation or status.


4.         To cooperate and communicate as a team member with my own group.


5.         To have respect for members of other communities.


6.         To maintain moral behavior in my professional life.


7.         To protect custodies, properties and assets given to me and owned by KSrelief.


8.         To manage my time in order to achieve the humanitarian aid and relief work and tasks assigned to me.


9.         To refrain from discrimination against any individuals or groups based upon their religion, gender, origin, race, or disability.


10.      To adhere to the laws, regulations and traditions of hosting countries.


11.      To refrain from becoming involved in political or security-related activities in hosting countries.


12.      To follow KSrelief’s dress code and to use KSrelief›s logo in performing assigned work and tasks.


13.      Not to exploit beneficiaries in any way or for any purpose whatsoever.


14.      Not to seek money, personal benefit or private gain from others in exchange for completing my work.


15.      To provide need-based aid to all who require it, to be responsible to all affected populations and to provide as much humanitarian aid and relief support as possible.


16.      To follow the instructions and orders of the head of the delegation/team during overseas assignments.


17.      To refrain from using social media in areas classified as “very dangerous” during overseas assignments in order to ensure team safety.




To adhere to KSrelief’s values, as follows:


·        Responding to needs with neutrality and Transparency and without any hidden motives.


·        Striving to achieve the highest levels of professionalism and quality.


·        Encouraging the participation of the public to support humanitarian aid and relief work.


·        Taking initiative and building strong partnerships internationally.


·        Working towards an unrestricted humanity