
Frequently Asked Questions

   What is King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre?​

KSrelief is the Kingdom's humanitarian and relief channel for foreign aid.

    Where is KSrelief located?
The headquarters is located in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; the center has many branches inside and outside the Kingdom.

     What are the requirements to be a KSrelief volunteer?

  • Administrative volunteer requirements (in the centre):
    • The applicant must be a citizen of Saudi Arabia and a resident of Riyadh
    • Must be available to volunteer at KSrelief a minimum of 8 hours per week
    • Must be medically fit to perform any volunteer work assigned to them
    • Exhibit proper conduct while volunteering at KSrelief
  • Field volunteer requirements (outside Saudi Arabia):
    • Must either be a citizen of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or a legal resident of the Kingdom for more than five years for general volunteering
    • Must be medically fit to perform assigned volunteer work or any other work assigned to them
    • Must exhibit proper conduct while volunteering for KSrelief
    • Must not be younger than eighteen (18) years of age, or older than sixty (60) years of age for general volunteering
    • Must abide by the principles and policies of KSrelief
    • For specializations, must be properly licensed to practice the profession for which you are volunteering (for work that requires a specific license from the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
    • The applicants paid work shall not interfere with his/her volunteer work in a way that is detrimental to any of the involved parties
    • The applicant's qualifications and relevant experience shall match the requirements of the work for which he/she is volunteering
    • Registration Through   Saudi International Volunteer Portal

   How can I apply to volunteer?
Through  Saudi International Volunteer Portal: Registration

   What are the rights of KSrelief's volunteers abroad?

    1. KSrelief will providing accommodation, food allowance and any means of transportation required by the volunteer to carry out his assigned tasks
    2. Volunteer will receive the training and preparation necessary for him/her to carry out his tasks
    3. Travel insurance will be provided for the volunteer during the performance of his assignment until the return and completion of the task. ( travel insurance begins from the time the volunteer leaves the Kingdom until he returns)
    4. Providing takaful insurance for the volunteer during the performance of his tasks
    5. Permission for the volunteer to be absent from his/her regular work according to the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (310) issued on 27/10/1429 H
    6. The volunteer will be given an identification card with a specific valid date range to prove his/her voluntary membership with KSrelief
    7. KSrelief has the right to grant appreciation certificates to volunteers who make significant efforts in the performance of their tasks

    How can I know about the latest available volunteer opportunities?
Available volunteer opportunities are announced through KSrelief's media channels and social media.

   What is administrative volunteering?
Volunteer work within KSrelief's departments and sections at its headquarters in Riyadh

    What are the goals of volunteering with KSrelief?

    1. To become experienced in volunteer and charitable work
    2. To build an administrative management supportive of volunteer work
    3. To create a unique volunteer team that serves communities
    4. To strengthen the volunteers' capacities through training
    5. To build strong communication in volunteer work
    6. To create a supportive training and learning environment
    7. To encourage volunteers to put forth new initiatives and adopt those which are suitable to the organization
    8. To spread the culture of volunteerism among individuals and institutions in the community

    What are the areas in which you can volunteer through KSrelief?

  1. Field volunteers:

The competent authority is keen to nurture the four areas that support societies in times of crisis and disaster. Community development programs and projects branch out from these areas, which are managed by the Department of Volunteer Programs:

1-      Health Promotion and Treatment Services:

  • Care and clinical treatment of patients
  • Disease control (i.e., infectious diseases)
  • Vaccination and immunization programs
  • Awareness, training and health education
  • First aid services
  • Water and sanitation management programs
  • Road safety programs
  • Provision of social services

The Role of Volunteers in this Field:

The Role of Volunteers in this Field:

General Volunteers:

  • Administrative Support
  • Non-technical Medical Support
  • Community Health Workers
  • Programs Support
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists

Specialized Volunteers:

  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Engineers/Technicians
  • Psychiatrists
  • First Aid Specialists
  • Social Workers


2-      Disaster Preparedness, Response and Recovery:

  • Disaster preparedness
  • Psychosocial support
  • Reducing disaster risk and restoring livelihoods
  • Risk-monitoring and early warning
  • Disaster awareness and education activities
  • Camps and shelter programs
  • Emergency relief, life-support and needs services such as food and water

The Role of Volunteers in this Field:

General Volunteers:

- Administrative Support

- Programs Support

- Information Manager

- Surveyors

- Organizers

- Coordinators

- Journalists

Specialized Volunteers:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Social Workers
  • Psychologists
  • Logistics Coordinators
  • Engineers
  • Agricultural Engineers
  • Architects
  • Construction Project Directors


3-   General Support and Development Services:

    • Human resources
    • Support for short-term programs
    • Attracting and managing volunteers
    • Internship
    • Education
    • Media

The Role of Volunteers in this Field:

General Volunteers:

  • Administrative Support
  • Volunteers Management
  • Attracting Volunteers
  • Training Volunteers

Specialized Volunteers:

  • Accountants
  • Human Resources Specialists
  • Communication and Marketing Specialists
  • Journalists

4-      Promoting Social Integration:

  • Strengthening civil society
  • Social integration activities (such as working with refugees and IDPs)
  • Promoting and developing volunteer work

The Role of Volunteers in this Field:

General Volunteer:

  • Administrative Support
  • Community Organizers
  • Programs Support
  • Youth Awareness
  • Social Workers

Specialized Volunteer:

  • Education (teachers and professors)
  • Legal Specialists
  • Lawyers
  • Social Workers


  What are the volunteer's responsibilities towards the assigned tasks, work and KSrelief?

    1. To perform all tasks assigned by KSrelief
    2. To follow KSrelief's principles and policies regarding volunteer work
    3. To pass the necessary training courses assigned by KSrelief
    4. Punctuality in attending the training courses assigned by KSrelief
    5. To have good conduct, follow guidelines for public morality and respect the principles of volunteerism and international humanitarian law
    6. To participate in a variety of humanitarian and relief activities
    7. To respond to an appeal as soon as possible
    8. Not to refrain from performing the assigned work
    9. Not to refrain from attending KSrelief's meetings without a justification approved by the Department of Volunteer at KSrelief's
    10. To inform KSrelief in case of any change of address or contact information
    11. To properly use and maintain any of KSrelief's property in the volunteer's possession and return when assignment is complete
    12. To not divulge any information whatsoever to any party regarding:
      1. KSrelief's work
      2. The assigned task
      3. Location of the team
      4. Any other information without permission to use

  Do you train volunteers?

Yes, volunteers are trained according to their assigned tasks, where such training programs are found to be suitable to the nature of work and tasks assigned to the volunteers.